Monday, April 2, 2012

Heather Braaten - HeatherLEGOgirl

Very sad news. The other day I posted on all of my blogs a call for help, that a member of our community was missing. Sadly, her body has been found. No further details are forthcoming at this time. I won't plaster this across all of my blogs, but I'm posting this memory by Lino here, again because a good fraction of the readership of this blog are religious people who believe in prayer. Please pray for Heather, that she may be in peace where ever she is now, and for her family in this tragic time. So sad, particularly in this week that those in my religious tradition celebrate the victory over death.

1 comment:

  1. Well done and well said! Please come see my tribute to her at: MOCpages:
    and read my comentary!
    I too triumph life over death as I am a Roman Catholic Christian!
