Wednesday, January 11, 2012

Bible stories

AlfredD has a gallery of the 10 most beautiful Bible stories.

Here we see parable of the good Samaritan:

Here is Joseph first being sold into slavery by his brothers, and then reconciling with them.

This is Queen Esther.

Here is creation week. I thought day 1 was particularly clever.

Jonah being spit up on the beach.

Well, that's it. I hope he posts the other five stories (there's a tower in his Brickshelf gallery that might be Babel, I suppose). I'm not sure how I'd limit myself if I set out to illustrate ten Bible stories. Of course there is nothing here of the life of Jesus, so the nativity, crucifixion and resurrection are pretty obvious calls. I suppose I'd be sure to include at least one thing from the Exodus, but would that be the burning bush, the plagues, the parting of the Red Sea, the giving of the law, or what? You kind of need the Fall if you want to tell a cohesive narrative. Other people like Noah, Abraham, David should all make appearances. I'd probably have left out a couple of the ones above if I had to fit an artificial limit of ten.

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