Monday, October 25, 2010


There is no clear picture of the original use of Stonehenge. It certainly wasn't built by the Druids, as it pre-dated them. Constructed in phases spanning more than a millenium between 3000 and 1600 BC in the plains of England by people who left no written records, there is a great deal of debate about why they built it. There are a large number of burial sites in the region, and one theory holds that this was a place for religious rites concerning the dead, possibly a form of ancestor worship. The stones themselves line up with the sun and stars on particular days such as the solstices, and some claim this was more of an early astronomical observatory. Often these ancient cultures placed great significance on these days and/or worshiped the sun, moon and stars as deities, so this alignment may have been used to mark religious festivals. Tobias Reichling made a microscale version of the famous stone circle.

This microscale creation was part of a huge collaborative display by European LEGO builders. Conceived by Tobias Reichling and Bruno Kurth, five builders constructed a huge (fifteen square meters) LEGO map of Europe and twenty different people contributed forty-four microscale versions of famous European landmarks.

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