Friday, November 13, 2009

The Church of Fremont

John Cooper, of Fremont, Nebraska, built a >huge LEGO church. According to the newspaper article in the Fremont Tribune, this project took three years:
* The main sanctuary is six feet long and seats 400 people ... well, perhaps Legos-size folks. It is tiled, includes tiny pews and hymnals and four organs. There are walkways along the sanctuary. And there’s a large dome with a cross.
Oh, and there’s a music room, of course.
* The lighted bell tower, which is a little over three feet tall, took almost a year to complete.
* On the south end of the L-shaped structure is a fellowship hall with a basketball court and stage. A guest who peeks through the skylights can also see a tiny piano and trumpet on the stage.

Cooper is music and worship director at a local Lutheran church, which helps explain his inspiration, though from the article it seems that the LEGO church is his own design, and not based on the church he is a member of. Sadly, the Coopers are moving into a new home, so this church has already been disassembled. But now the bricks are ready for the next project.

Sorry about the photo quality. This is a screencap of a slideshow of four photos on the Fremont Tribune website. It does not appear that Cooper posts anyplace like Brickshelf or Flickr, though the article mentions that he did use Bricklink to get the bricks.

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