Monday, September 7, 2009

GodBricks in the New York Times !!!!

Wow, GodBricks got mentioned in the New York Times! This blog was linked in the article Turning to Tie-Ins, Lego Thinks Beyond the Brick. Welcome to any new readers who may have found me via the link in their article. I've been on hiatus for the past month due to moving to a new state and preparing to teach in the fall term, but rest assured I will be back adding regular new content within the week. Check out my welcome post for a little about the thought behind this blog. Thanks to Andrew of the Brothers-Brick for the heads-up, and thank you to Nelson Schwartz, the NYT reporter, for noticing my little effort.

1 comment:

  1. Yeah! You're back. I'm fascinated with this blog and was concerned about it continuing.
