Monday, April 20, 2009

Cathedral of Our Lady of Strasbourg

From time immemorial people have built structures in which to worship God. From the Temple of Solomon to the modern mega-church, these often try to show some of the glory of God in their construction. Perhaps my favorites are the gothic-style cathedrals built in Europe in the late medieval era. Well, the construction of these often spanned centuries, so it may be better to say they were often started in the late medieval era. Actually, that in itself is worth noting - I love the faithfulness of those who knew they would never see the completion of one of these great works, but were willing to lay those first cornerstones anyway. LEGO builders have reconstructed many of these architectural gems, and over the life of this blog I'm sure I'll note many of them. Today, I bring you Drauger's microscale version of the Cathedral of Our Lady of Strasbourg.

This cathedral was begun in 1176 and built over the next two and a half centuries on the location of previous churches. At one point it was the tallest building in the world, and is still the sixth tallest church. The south tower was never built, which is why it does not have the symmetry characteristic of most cathedrals.

BTW, I said this is a microscale creation. For the non-LEGO initiates, that means it is not built to fit the little people (minifigures, or minifigs) who come in many LEGO sets, but is instead built to a smaller scale. In the future I'll note some cathedrals that are built to fit the minifigs, which would make them much larger constructions. For more on microscale, see MicroBricks.

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